Craig Strang

Craig is Associate Director of the Hall and the Director of BaySci (The Bay Area Partnership for Science Education) and MARE (Marine Activities, Resources, and Education). He is also the BEETLES Principal Investigator. Craig started his career in education leading interpretive hikes to see elephant seals at Año Nuevo State Reserve and then as a […]

Jedda Foreman

Jedda is the Director of Environmental Literacy Projects at the Lawrence Hall of Science. She divides her time between designing and leading professional learning sessions, consulting with educators and district-level leaders, writing curriculum, and wrangling the BEETLES team. A Bay Area native, Jedda got her start in outdoor education in the swamps and redwoods of […]

Cristina Edwards

Cristina is the Coordinator of Environmental Literacy for the BEETLES team. Before coming to the Lawrence Hall of Science, she worked at the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), where she first led backpacking trips, then moved to a role developing partnerships to help NOLS build relationships in communities of color. Cristina studied Conservation and Resources at […]

Kevin Beals

Kevin is the Director Emeritus of BEETLES. He spent 7 years as an Outdoor Science School field instructor, 1 year as a classroom science teacher, and his entire adult life educating kids. Since joining Lawrence Hall of Science in 1988, he has authored more than 90 published curriculum guides, children’s books, and professional learning videos. […]

Emilie Lygren

Emilie is a professional developer and curriculum specialist with BEETLES (and our resident poet). She developed a diverse set of naturalist and teaching skills as a leader in a variety of outdoor science programs and a student in many field science courses. For four years, Emilie worked as a field instructor in the Pescadero Valley […]